Monday, June 11, 2007

Healthy Beverage, Rich Nutrient and Fiber for Diet People

Is sweet food enemy for Diet People? The answer is not really true. May diet people eat and or drink sweet food or beverage? Depend on. If they are (diet people) drink many sugar, need rethought certainly. Because in a spoon sugar contain 50 Calories. So, for a glass sweet tea or other, how many calories get in your body if you use three spoons sugar?
So, must we avoid the sweet beverage?. No, we may drink the sweet beverage if the sweetener from extract fruits, not sugar. Another condition is the beverages must rich nutrient and fiber. This is as tips if you will make a sweet beverage as follow:
1. Make a beverage from high fiber fruit. Fruity good for your health cause it has low calorie. For example, Grave (in 160 grams contain 50 cal), Star fruit (in 140 grams contain only 50 cal), Pear (in 85 gram, contain 50 cal), and Strawberry (in 215 gram contain 50 cal);
2. You aren’t necessary added sugar in that beverage;
3. Using blender for make a juice, not juicer that just only take concentrate not a fiber;
4. Drink the juice with juice trash, do not through out it;
5. The vegetable can also made juice, like creeping water-plant, spinach, broccoli, carrot, tomato and others. Especially, before the creeping water-plant, spinach, and broccoli mix with the fruity it must be boiled. After that, you can make vegetables mix fruit juice;
6. Generally, a vegetable is not really fine if made juice. You don’t need filter the trash. Remember, that your body need fibers.
Posted by Herly.

Diet People May Eating Snack

Close your eyes from snack! That a rule that you keep in your mind when you get a diet. No wonder if your diet always failed in the three days. Who can hardy not eating in the three or even six months?
During get diet, you must hard motivate your self and you’ll get successful. One and the only things keep in your mind: “This is my last diet”. “I don’t want take diet anymore”. It’s meant, my diet in this time must success!
These are well snack that you can take it in your diet!
  • Snack from fresh fruit usually more save. For suggest, eating fresh fruit better than cake for your snack. But, you don’t necessary push your self until you feel that eating fruit as punishment as you.
  • Making snack in small size, so that not more calories.
  • If you will drink milk, choose the skim milk better than full cream milk for making pudding or cake. Skim milk only contain 75 calories in 200 ml. But, in 200 ml full cream milk contain 125 calorie and 6 grams fat.
  • If you lover cake, don’t worry you can make it alone. Make cake from white egg. Don’t using yellow egg have contain more fat and calorie. If your cake need added liquid, using fruit concentrate without added sweetener. Don’t added milk and coconut milk.
  • Making snack by process with steam or bake. Don’t making snack by process with fried in much oil.

So, I think you will be afraid to see much these conditions in making snack. But, if you are creative person, you can create many type snacks. You can do diet without burden.

Posted by: herly

Are You Weight Enough?

You can identify possible weight problems by this formula. Calculation of BMI. The calculation is based on the following formulas:

>>>; “A” Measurement Units : Kilograms and meter /centimeters <<<


[height (m)] 2 = [height (m) X height (m)]

Calculation :

Weight = 70 kg, Height = 170 cm (1,7m)


BMI = 24,22

>>> “B” Measurement Units : Pounds and Inches <<<


703 = Conversion factor

[height (in)] 2 = [height (in) X height (in)]

Calculation :
Weight = 165 lbs, Height = 5'5” (65”)

BMI = 27,45

>>> Table of Interpretation of BMI for adults <<<

Adults = 20 years old and older. This interpretation occurs for all ages and for both men and women.

The standard weight status categories associated with BMI ranges for adults are shown in the following table.

BMI Weight Status
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal
25.0 – 29.9 Overweight
30.0 and Above Obese

So for case “A” according to BMI table is NORMAL


Posted by: herly


BMI = Body Fatness Indicator

How can you know how fat you are? Don’t worry, because you can measure your weight by use Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is a reliable indicator of body fatness for people. It is a number calculated from a person’s weight and height. Although BMI doesn’t measure body fat directly, but research has shown that BMI correlates to direct measures of body fat, such as underwater weighing and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA).* It is a simple formula and easy to perform method of screening for weight categories that may lead to health problems.
*) ^ Katherine M. Flegal, PhD; Margaret D. Carroll, MS; Cynthia L. Ogden, PhD; Clifford L. Johnson, MSPH (2002). "Prevalence and Trends in Obesity Among US Adults, 1999-2000". JAMA 288 (14): 1723–1727. PMID 12365955. .
^ Dympna Gallagher, Steven B Heymsfield, Moonseong Heo, SusanFUCKING A Jebb, Peter R Murgatroyd and Yoichi Sakamoto (2000). "Healthy percentage body fat ranges: an approach for developing guidelines based on body mass index". AJCN 72 (3): 694–701. PMID 10966886. .
Posted by herly.
Source :

Friday, June 8, 2007


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term overweight is generally used to indicate that a human has more body fat than is considered useful for the optimal functioning of the body. Being overweight is a fairly common condition for many people, especially those in developed nations where food supplies are plentiful and lifestyles often do not involve a lot of activities that generate caloric expenditure. Recent studies have indicated that as much as 64% of the adult US population is overweight, and this number is increasing.[1] A series of graphics from the CDC also describes the obesity prevalence trends in the U.S. in the past 2 decades: Obesity Epidemic: U.S. Temporal Trends 1985-2004.

A healthy body requires a minimum amount of fat for the proper functioning of the hormonal, reproductive, and immune systems, as thermal insulation, as shock absorption for sensitive areas, and as excess energy for future use. But the accumulation of too much storage fat can impair movement and flexibility, and can alter the appearance of the body in ways that some may find undesirable or unattractive.
1^ Katherine M. Flegal, PhD; Margaret D. Carroll, MS; Cynthia L. Ogden, PhD; Clifford L. Johnson, MSPH (2002). "Prevalence and Trends in Obesity Among US Adults, 1999-2000". JAMA 288 (14): 1723–1727. PMID 12365955.