Monday, June 11, 2007

Healthy Beverage, Rich Nutrient and Fiber for Diet People

Is sweet food enemy for Diet People? The answer is not really true. May diet people eat and or drink sweet food or beverage? Depend on. If they are (diet people) drink many sugar, need rethought certainly. Because in a spoon sugar contain 50 Calories. So, for a glass sweet tea or other, how many calories get in your body if you use three spoons sugar?
So, must we avoid the sweet beverage?. No, we may drink the sweet beverage if the sweetener from extract fruits, not sugar. Another condition is the beverages must rich nutrient and fiber. This is as tips if you will make a sweet beverage as follow:
1. Make a beverage from high fiber fruit. Fruity good for your health cause it has low calorie. For example, Grave (in 160 grams contain 50 cal), Star fruit (in 140 grams contain only 50 cal), Pear (in 85 gram, contain 50 cal), and Strawberry (in 215 gram contain 50 cal);
2. You aren’t necessary added sugar in that beverage;
3. Using blender for make a juice, not juicer that just only take concentrate not a fiber;
4. Drink the juice with juice trash, do not through out it;
5. The vegetable can also made juice, like creeping water-plant, spinach, broccoli, carrot, tomato and others. Especially, before the creeping water-plant, spinach, and broccoli mix with the fruity it must be boiled. After that, you can make vegetables mix fruit juice;
6. Generally, a vegetable is not really fine if made juice. You don’t need filter the trash. Remember, that your body need fibers.
Posted by Herly.

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